Grade 11 ICT Short Notes Sinhala Medium

Hello dear students,

ClassWork.LK is now ready to give you the clearest and most accurate short notes in Sinhala medium for the O/L ICT subject. Short notes of this subject have been prepared to cover the following topics. They are,

  • Programming
  • System Development Life Cycle
  • The Internet and the Electronic Mail
  • Use of Multimedia
  • Web Designing Using Multimedia
  • Information and Communication Technology and Society



The short notes presented under this lesson are prepared to cover the following topics. Those topics are,

Analyzing a problem, Problem Solving using Algorithms, Control Structures, Representation of an algorithm, Flowcharts, Pseudo codes, Converting flow charts to pseudo-codes, Pascal programming, Identifiers, Reserved words, Standard data types in Pascal, Variables and Constants, Operators, Operator precedence, Selection, IF Statement, Nested IF, Using CASE statement when a variable has multiple conditions, Repetition, Nested control structures, Repetition inside selection, Selection in repetition, Arrays, Use of arrays, Defining a one-dimensional array, Attributes of an array, Assigning values to an array, Declaring values of an array, Use of subprograms, Types of subprogram, Introducing subprograms,  A program built with procedures, A program with functions, Evolution of programming languages, Need of a programming language, Low level programming languages, High-level programming languages, Programming language types, Difference between procedural and declarative paradigms, Comparison of structured and object-oriented paradigms, Programming and scripting, Language translators, Interpreter, Compiler.

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-01/ Programming/ Part-01

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-01/ Programming/ Part-02

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-01/ Programming/ Part-03


System Development Life Cycle

The short notes presented under this lesson are prepared to cover the following topics. Those topics are,

The Concept of Information Systems, What is a system, Basic Elements of a System, Information Systems, Manual System, Computer-Based Information Systems, Main differences between manual systems and computer-based information systems, Main differences between manual systems and computer-based information systems, System Development Processes, System Development Life Cycle, Phases of System Development Life Cycle, System Development Life cycle Models, Waterfall Model, Iterative Incremental Model.

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-02/ System Development Life Cycle/ Part-01


The Internet and the Electronic Mail

The short notes presented under this lesson are prepared to cover the following topics. Those topics are,

Introduction of the Internet, URL, IP Address, Domain Name, How the Internet works, Internet Server Computers, Services of the Internet, World Wide Web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Remote Access, File Sharing, Streaming of Media, Search Engines, Domain Name Server, Using Internet for communication, Electronic Mail, Sending instant messages – IM, Video Conference, Social Networks, Cloud Computing.

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-03/ The Internet and the Electronic Mail/ Part-01

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-03/ The Internet and the Electronic Mail/ Part-02


Use of Multimedia

The short notes presented under this lesson are prepared to cover the following topics. Those topics are,

Digital Graphics, Pixel, Resolution, Color, Forming a tertiary color, Graphic size, and compression, Graphic Types, Graphic Design, GIMP, Basics of a Graphic software, Using GIMP software, Creating a graphic using several pictures, Two – dimensional animation, What is Animation, Basics of Animation, The Graphical User Interface of Vectorian Giotto, Creating simple animation using Vectorian Giotto, Creating animation with captions, Audio Content, Audio Editing, Audacity Interface, Basics of using software for sound effects, Audio Recording with Audacity, Editing recorded soundtrack to remove unnecessary sections, Creating a video clip, Use of video editing software to create a video clip, Windows Movie Maker – Interface, Making a video clip with Windows Movie Maker, Apply Transition, Saving and distribution of video content as a video clip.

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-04/ Use of Multimedia/ Part-01

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-04/ Use of Multimedia/ Part-02


Web Designing Using Multimedia

The short notes presented under this lesson are prepared to cover the following topics. Those topics are,

Structuring information for web designing, Web applications, Web user groups, Web Content, Content Management, Structure and layout, Selecting media resources, Use of Basic HTML, The Basic Structure of an HTML Document, Features of HTML, Designing a web page, Header tag, Font tag, Center tag, Image tag, Inserting and formatting a paragraph, Paragraph tag, How to keep a gap between words, Inserting some rows, Inserting lists, Hyperlink, Anchor tag, Inserting a table, Table tag, Caption tag, Web Designing Software, web authoring tools, Designing a website using a web editing software, Static websites and dynamic websites, Content Management Systems (CMS), How a website is designed using a CMS software, Roles related to web designing, Publication of a website, Web host, Domain Name, File Transfer Protocol/FTP, Internet connection, Maintenance of Website.

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-05/ Web Designing Using Multimedia/ Part-01

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-05/ Web Designing Using Multimedia/ Part-02

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-05/ Web Designing Using Multimedia/ Part-03


Information and Communication Technology and Society

The short notes presented under this lesson are prepared to cover the following topics. Those topics are,

ICT in entertainment, Problems associated with the use of ICT, Legal issues, Issues related to values, Physical and logical issues, Physical and logical issues, Logical Security, Malicious software / Malware, Harmful software and resultant damage, Safeguarding computer and a computer network from harmful software, Agencies in Sri Lanka responsible for the security of information exchange, Health issues related to using of Information Communication Technology, How can these health problems be avoided,  e-waste – Harmful elements and effects on the environment, Social issues related with ICT, Technology related employment opportunities, Misuse of ICT to harm Society.

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-06/ Information and Communication Technology and Society/ Part-01

ICT/ Grade-11/ Lesson-06/ Information and Communication Technology and Society/ Part-02


So, we, the team of ClassWork, sincerely wish you the strength, courage and luck to study all these lessons very well and achieve a very great result for both term tests and the final Ordinary Level examination.